15% Olej CBD o pełnym spektrum - 15% pełnospektralnego kannabidiolu w oleju z nasion konopi, 15% olej CBD, krople konopne
Our 15% Full Spectrum CBD Oil contains all of the natural and beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes from the industrial hemp plant. The other industrial hemp compounds offer beneficial elements such as phytocannabinoids, terpenes, proteins, fiber, fatty acids and essential vitamins, triggering the Entourage Effect, the benefit of multiple compounds working together. With all the major and minor cannabinoids and terpenes working synergistically, the user may experience a greater positive effect than when taking CBD alone as an isolated molecule.
Because of the 15% Full Spectrum CBD Oil’s natural extraction, gentle processing and refinement, there are only trace amounts of THC left in the product.
Carrier Oil:Hemp Seed Oil
Color:Dark green to orange
Odor :Natural terpene odor
Flavor:Bitter, authentic hemp taste
Food Safety System:ISO 22000:2018